Sharia Economic Forum (SEF) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will held an international seminar on the topic “Integrating The Islamic Values on Tourism Sector Towards Sustainable Development Goals”.
The speaker will be present, as follows:
- Hendri Tanjung, B.Sc., M.B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will be organizing a National Seminar on Taxation with the theme “The Strategy of Increasing Tax Revenue”, (Indonesia: Strategi Peningkatan Pendapatan Pajak).
The National Seminar on Taxation will be held on:
- Day, date: Saturday, October 3, 2015
- Time: 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM
- Place: Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr.
In the framework of the 60 anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), the faculty with Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) will held a National Congress KAFEGAMA.
The congress will be held on
- Day, date: Saturday, October 10, 2015
- Time: 07:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Venue: Grha Sabha Pramana, Universitas Gadjah Mada
This event is provided to members and alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Financial Market Update Corner (FMU Corner), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will hold a public lecture with the topic “E-Commerce Start-up Landscape in Indonesia”.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in commemoration of the 60 anniversary will held Fun Bike “Nggowes Napak Tilas”, with the route from UGM Campus to Keraton Yogyakarta.
Fun bike will be held on:
The Economics Student Association (HIMIESPA) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in collaboration with the Macroeconomics Dashboard FEB UGM will hold an Economics Talk on the topic “Review of the Rice Policy and Impacts in Indonesia”, (Indonesia: Telaah Kebijakan Perberasan dan Dampaknya di Indonesia).
Syariah Corner, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will hold a Guest Lecture with Prof. Mehmet Asutay (from Durham University, United Kingdom).
PT Andalan Finance Indonesia in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will be organizing a Seminar on Financial Education and Literacy.
The seminar will be held on:
- Day, date: Friday, September 11, 2015
- Time: 08:00AM – 11:30AM
- Venue: Auditorium Djarum Foundation, Pertamina Tower Building, 5th floor
- Frans F.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in celebration of the 60th anniversary will hold a seminar with the main theme of “Balancing Indonesian Economy: Governance & Accountability, Ethics, and Strategy Toward Inclusive Growth”.
The seminar will be held on:
- Day and date: Saturday, September 19, 2015
- Time: 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM
- Venue: Hotel Tentrem, Yogyakarta
The agenda of the seminar is as follows:
Time: 09:00AM to 11:30AMInvited Presentation and Discussion- Prof.
Master of Science and Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will hold a general lecture on “Shariah Compliance Audit: Empirical Evidence from Islamic Banks in Indonesia and UK” with the speaker Dr. Nunung Nurul Hidayah (Lecturer, Aston Business School, United Kingdom)
The lecture will be held on:
- Day, date: Monday, August 24, 2015
- Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM
- Venue: Auditorium BRI, Master of Science and Doctoral Building, FEB UGM
For students who are interested to join, please kindly register to: Admission Office Magister and Science and Doctoral Program, FEB UGM or contact 0274-580726, mobile 08175464545.