On Thursday (11/8) the Center for Financial Professional Development (PPPK) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia held the inaugural event, namely Pre-Event 1 in the series of The Financial Profession Expo […].
More than half of the global population is living in centers of urban areas and the number is still increasing. Cities are important providers of employment.
On Monday (09/08), the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an Orientation Day for foreign students of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program studying at FEB UGM.
The lecture period can be said to be a precious moment for everyone. At that time, students began to aggressively pursue their goals and careers.
Do you still remember that Simfoni was opened for us GamadaDo you still remember the memories of laughter when we were together…On FEB our homeNew sheets for studentsWe’ll see you tomorrow.