Category: Event
Hits: 2431

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will organize an International Seminar on the topic of "German and Indonesian Business Environment for Start-ups and e-Business".

This event will be held on:


  1. Dr. Gerhard Herz (Senior Experten Service at Germany, Institute for Vocational Education ad Corporate Identity)
  2. Mr. Ahmad Yuniarto (Voluntary Advisor for Innovative Academy, PUI UGM)
  3. Mrs. Anggit Tut Pinilih (JAKPAT Mobile Survey Platform)


Seminar fee:

For further information about this seminar can contact: Konita 081392710475. This event supported by Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Online Form Registration: click here