The Student Executive Board (BEM), Faculty of Economics and Business in collaboration with Syariah Economic Forum (SEF) and the Accounting Student Association (IMAGAMA) will organizes an event ‘Uniting Intellectual Studies’ with carrying the theme “Election and the Future of Indonesia 2014-2019.”
These studies will be held on:
- Day, date: Saturday, May 3, 2014
- Time: 07:30 am till end
- Place: Auditorium BRI, Master of Science and Doctorate Program, FEB UGM
- Alvin Lie Ling Piao, M.Sc. (Member of DPR RI 1999-2009)
- H. Ahmad Hanafi Rais, S.I.P., M.P.P. (Candidate Member of DPR RI 2014-2019, DIY Region)
- Tarli Nugroho (Mubyarto Institute, Researcher of Political Economy)
- Drs. Mohammad Najib (Chairman of Banwaslu DIY, Outstanding Lecturers FISIP UGM)
- Sri Surani, S.P. (The Election Commissioner of City Yogyakarta)
For further information and registration please contact: Septia – 085350031440 or via twitter: @bemfebugm.