Public Sector Governance (PSG) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct National Public Accountability Seminar (SNAP 2019) titled “Monitoring and Evaluation of Propernas Results-Oriented,” (Indonesia, Monev Kinerja Program Pembangunan Nasional (Propenas) Berorientasi Hasil).
This event will be held on:
- Day, Date: Sat, 7 September 2019
- Time: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
- Venue: Learning Center Auditorium, FEB UGM
Keynote speaker:
- Andin Hadiyanto, Ph.D. (Director General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance)
- 1st Session, theme: Performance Management Framework
- Mardi Harjo, S.E., M.Si.* (The House of Representatives of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Ida Sundari,M.M. (The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Dr. Nurdin, Ak., MBA., CFrA. (Financial and Development Oversight Agency of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Dr. Ir. Taufik HAnafi, MUP. (Ministry of National Development Planning of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Moderator: Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc., Ph.D., CMA., CA., Ak. (Director of PSG FEB UGM)
- Sesi 2, topik: Best Practices Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance in Government
- Drs. Agung Widiadi, M.Sc. (Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia)
- R. Budiono Subambang, S.T., MPM. (Ministry of Home Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Drs.Tavip Agus Rayanto, M.Si. (Yogyakarta Special Region Government)
- Shokhif Khoirul Anam, S.ST. (Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of The Republic of Indonesia)
- Moderator: Suyanto, S.E., MBA., Ph.D. (Lecturer at FEB UGM)
- Participant: Student, Lecturer, Researcher, Local Government, and Public Participant
- Benefit: 6 credit of SKP IAI (Indonesian Institute of Accountants, Yogyakarta Region)
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and if any question can contact: Secretariat of Public Sector Governance (PSG) FEB UGM, tel 0274 548510 ext 293, email psg.feb@ugm.ac.id, or WA 081808491390.
*) To be confirmed