Saturday (5/10) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an event to increase the capacity of Human Resources (HR) in the form of a Work Meeting for education staff in the Faculty Administration Office. Located in Griya Persada, Kaliurang, the activity was attended by approximately 120 people.
The first session was Wellness Health Training by Dr. dr. Zainal Mustaqien. He is a doctor and educator at the FKKMK UGM. In this session the importance of holistic health was emphasized. Balance in aspects of life, namely work, worship, personal life is needed for personal well-being.
The second session was exposure and ratification of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). There are 10 sections that present SOP, namely the Academic, Student Affairs, Finance, Human Resources, Secretariat and UJM, General, Library, ICT, Alumni, and Admission.
In the evening, to enliven the atmosphere, the committee held a performance from each section. Various performances were presented between the participants and were quite entertaining. The next day on Sunday (6/10) continued with Lavatour.
This event was also attended by the Dean; Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs; Vice Dean of Finance, Assets and HR: and Vice Dean of Collaboration, Alumni, Research and Community Service FEB UGM. “I expect educational staff of FEB UGM to enthusiastic and balance in working. We build a good SOP in the hope of becoming best practice for other faculties “, said the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, Ph.D in his speech. Kusdhianto Setiawan, Ph.D (Vice Dean of Finance, Asset, and HR) added that in the future there will be organizational adjustments so every year there needs to be a new SOP.
Agus Ridwan, Head of the Administrative Office of FEB UGM conveyed his impressions and messages related to the event. “Hopefully the workforce meeting of education staff can be a means of refreshment for all of educational staff at FEB UGM”, closed him.
Source: FEB Public Relation