CPA Days is an annual IAPI event and the largest event to share knowledge about accounting. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Days 2019 is a collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM with the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI), The Association of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to hold CPA Days 2019, on 13-14 November 2019, at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM.
The CPA Days competition captures young talents and tests the knowledge of Undergraduate (S1) & Diploma (D4) students in accounting and auditing. One group consists of 2 students (minimum semester 5) and is accompanied by one lecturer. This competition will be held on the first & second day of CPA Days 2019.
Download: Booklet (PPT)
The CPA Seminar took the theme “Success in becoming a Public Accountant amidst the Wave of the Industrial Revolution 4.0: Regulatory Review and Business Review”, (Indonesian, Sukses menjadi Akuntan Publik di tengah Gelombang Revolusi Industri 4.0: Tinjauan Regulasi dan Tinjauan Bisnis), will be held on:
- Day, Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2019
- Time: 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
- Venue: Learning Center Auditorium, FEB UGM
- Live Stream: http://feb.ugm.ac.id/livestream
- Firmansyah N. Nazaroedin (Head of PPPK, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Tarkosunaryo, MBA., CPA. (Chairperson of IAPI)
- Syaiful Ali, Ph.D., Ak. CA. (Lecturer in Department of Accounting, FEB UGM)
Moderator: Suhartono, MPA, Ak., CA., CPA. (Management Board of IAPI and Chairperson of IAPI Certification Board)
Seminar Registration, click here
The CPA Dialog took the theme “CPA Indonesia, Current Professional Qualifications to Achieve Dreams”, (Indonesian, CPA Indonesia, Kualifikasi Profesi Kekinian untuk Menggapai Impian), will be held on:
- Day, Date: Thursday, 14 November 2019
- Time: 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- Venue: Learning Center Auditorium, FEB UGM
- Live Stream: http://feb.ugm.ac.id/livestream
- Aria Kanaka, CA., CPA. (IAPI Management Board, Partner KAP Aria Kanaka & Partners, member firm of Mazars SCRL)
- Sandra Pracipta, SE., Ak., CA., CPA. ASEAN CPA. (IAPI Regional Coordinator in Yogyakarta, Head of KAP Sandra Pracipta CPA)
- Dr. Suzy Noviyanti Budiono, MM., CPA., CA. (Management Board of IAPI Regional of Central Java, Partner KAP Bayudi, Yohana, Suzy, Arie (BYSA))
Moderator: Arief Surya Irawan (Lecturer in Department of Accounting, FEB UGM)
Dialog Registration, click here
Career Fair CPA Days presents the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) and the CPA Days 2019 Sponsoring Company who are looking for the right talents to join.
Career Fair Registration, click here
For further information can see at http://bit.ly/cpadays-2019 or if any inquiries can contact to: Mr. Jufri, Admission Office of Accountant Profession Education Study Program (PPAk) FEB UGM, tel 548510 ext 174