Two undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consist of Dwiki Darmawan (Accounting 2017) and Leila Chanifah Zuhri (Accounting 2017) who are members of the WTP Team won the 1st place in the 2020 National Student Competition for Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK) in the category of Financial Audit Investigative which was held on September 25-27, 2020.
KBMK is one of the prestigious competitions held by the National Achievement Center (Pusat Prestasi Nasional) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This year, KBMK carries the theme “Preparing Community Governance 5.0 and Empowering Demographic Bonuses with Real Contribution of Business, Management, and Finance to Achieving World Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia”. The series of competitions covered 5 categories, namely: Business Planning with SDG Aspects, Case Analysis in Operational Management, Investment Research, Investigative Audit Finance, Research and Technology commercialization, and one special category in scientific essay writing.
The selection process for a series of competitions starts from administrative selection to answers in the form of papers and videos on audit cases in the banking sector. Furthermore, 13 best teams were selected to proceed to the semifinals and were given a new case study, namely the insurance sector audit. After that, the 5 best teams were selected to compete in the grand final stage. In the grand final, the delegation was given a special additional task which was impromptu related to the audit of the procurement of goods and services. Delegates were challenged to solve the new case in less than 12 hours. At the presentation stage, the delegation made an open presentation and was assessed by a team of judges which included groups of academics, business practitioners, and government/State-owned Enterprises/associations.
The 2020 KBMK activities were held by the National Achievement Center in collaboration with Institut Teknologi Bandung. Followed by students from all over Indonesia as many as 571 teams and consisting of 135 universities. In the other category, two students of the FEB UGM Undergraduate Program, consisting of Shinta Hircatanu Romadewanti (Management 2017) and Vila Nur Fadliana (Accounting 2017) who are members of the Versus Capital team won 2nd place in the category of Investment Research.
By: Leila Chanifah Zuhri
Related link: https://pusatprestasinasional.kemdikbud.go.id/2020/09/28/press-release-kbmk-nasional-2020/