The Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GAMA BCC) is a manifestation of the mission of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to prepare Indonesian leaders in the digital era. This competition is one of UGM’s efforts to provide a place for learning and mentoring by the nation’s best leaders in the business sector, a forum for sharing insights, and opportunities to compete to foster leadership qualities in Indonesian students. Furthermore, the BCC GAMA is held in order to support the achievement of the mission of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, especially in terms of producing innovative and creative leaders in solving business problems in the current digital era. In accordance with the spirit of “rooted and towering”, students participating in this competition are expected to be able to make a real contribution and impact to the community, as well as to build closeness or engagement with industry through the business cases provided. This competition is supported by KAFEGAMA (Faculty of Economics Gadjah Mada Alumni Family) and PT. Pupuk Kaltim Persero as the organizing partner, as well as all practitioners, academics, leading experts, and several media partners.
Main theme: Innovation and Sustainability in Agribusiness
Impotant dates:
- Deadline registration: 18 June 2022 (extended until 21 June 2022)
- Opening Ceremony and Webinar Innovation and Sustainability in Agribusiness: 21 June 2022
- Preliminary Stage (Pre Competition): 23-25 June 2022
- Result announcement of Pre Competition: 5 July 2022
- Mentoring Session: 6-12 July 2022
- Business Challenge 1: 14-15 July 2022
- Result announcement of Business Challenge 1: 16 July 2022
- Business Challenge 2 (Final Competiton): 22 July 2022
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information plase see at the following link