Academic leave is the condition of not being registered as a student at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) for one semester or more with the authorized official’s permission. Students can apply for leave under certain conditions (for example, illness requiring longer treatment) if approved by the Dean/Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Students will have the academic leave status at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (FEB UGM) during the leave period. Applications for academic leave are valid for one semester only. Students must renew their leave application every semester if necessary.
Academic Leave Provisions
- Students can apply for academic leave only if students have completed at least two semesters in FEB UGM, and met the minimum of 30 credits with at least a 2,00 GPA
- Students can apply for a maximum of two semesters of academic leave, whether it is taken sequentially or separately.
- Students can apply for academic leave two months before the start of the next semester. Applications for academic leave are submitted to the Head of the Study Program and the document is uploaded via the application submission menu on Simaster. The academic leave period is not counted as an active study period in relation to the study limit.
- Students do not need to pay tuition fees during the academic leave period (supported with written permission from the Head of the Study Program).
- Students who are on academic leave with a student exchange reason cannot conduct the credit transfer from the partner university. Credit transfer is only possible if the students do not take academic leave during the student exchange period.
- During the academic leave period, students are not allowed to conduct academic administration transactions, such as ordering academic products.
- Students entering their study period extension (semesters 11, 12, 13, and 14) are prohibited from submitting an academic leave request.
- Scholarship awardees are prohibited from submitting an academic leave request unless the scholarship provider has given written permission.
Students who take academic leave without permission from the Head of the Study Program for up to a maximum of one academic year, if they are to be active again and permitted by the Head of the Study Program are subject to the following provisions:
- The study period is still counted as an active study period referring to the study time limit.
- Students must pay the tuition fee for the semester period they are not taking part in (the semester in which students do not re-register).
Academic Leave Request Submission Procedure
Academic leave request submission must follow the following procedures:
- The written academic leave request should be submitted by writing an official request letter along with supporting documents to the Head of the Study Program.
- Upload the academic leave request letter on Simaster and wait for the verification from the Study Program and faculty. The academic leave request will be granted after being verified.
- The academic leave request should be uploaded on Simaster according to the specific period that has been set by the university. Students must monitor the website to discover the request period and the academic leave approval.
- Academic leave status will be put in Simaster and will be displayed in Simaster’s academic status.
Reactivation Status Request Procedures
Students who wish to be active again after taking academic leave must carry out the following steps:
- Submit an active status request letter to the Head of the Study Program.
- Submit an active status request through Simaster and upload the supporting document (if any)
- The Study Program/Faculty will verify the request and the student can proceed to pay the tuition fee for the ongoing semester.
- The active status request period should comply with the provisions from the university. Regulated academic leave period details and reactivation status procedures are published by the university. Information regarding the academic leave application period and the reactivation period will be displayed on
- All submission applications are regulated through the Simaster portal.
- Conduct re-registration on the upcoming semester’s tuition fee payment period.
- Students with academic leave status must fill in the study period extension form approved by the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program, and the thesis advisor (for those currently in thesis writing process). The Academic Office will process the study period extension application letter which will be sent to the Vice Rector or P2KM. Tuition fee payment can only be completed if the study extension letter is approved by the Vice Rector of Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs and the UGM’s Directorate of Finance will open the payment account.