The Mario team of Universitas Gadjah Mada(UGM) has come out as the third winner of the national marketing competition, Nielsen Challenge Competition 2017, in Jakarta on 19 January.
Three Accounting students of UGM, namely Nisrina Adelia Roselenny (Accounting 2013), Resa Masela Khairunnisa (Accounting 2013), and Rahadian Irfan Istiarto (Accounting 2014) managed to become champions in XFest Case Competition 2016 held by BCA and […].
Good news comes from Henri Widiyanto, a second-year student from Accounting FEB UGM. In August 2nd 2016, Henri was appointed as the only UGM student who achieve the prestigious award from KPMG ASEAN Scholarship 2016.
A UGM delegation has won three awards in the Beijing Model United Nations (BMUN) from 6-8 May 2016 at the China Foreign Affairs University..
FEB UGM students in Economics and Business science joining the Doa Mama team have won second award titles in the 5th National Strategy Case Competition (NSCC) 2016, held in Jakarta.
Four students of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) succeeded getting the 2nd place in STAR Case Competition held by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam on 11-15 April 2016.
A team from Economics and Business Faculty of Universitas Gadjah Mada has made another achievement. Students joining the Scudetto team, consisting of Edwin Adisasmita Indriantoro (Accounting 2012), Ikhsan Brilanto (Accounting 2012) and Adrianus Rio Pradiptaputra […].
UGM E-Craft team won first prize in The 12th Marketing Insight Seminar and Training (MIST) from February 28 to March 4. In the competition held by Management Student Society Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia, […].
Another national achievement has been snatched by Universitas Gadjah Mada’s students of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business. Samuel Edwardo, third-year student, won a first place in Deloitte Tax Challenge competition and will represent Indonesia […].
Three UGM students snatched a first place on National Scientific Paper Competition held by Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Sebelas Maret. This competition was held as a part of a series of events called […].