Economic Study and Discussion Forum (FSDE) is an annual event held by Economics Student Association (HIMIESPA) of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This year’s theme is “Breaking Through Middle-Income Trap: Seeking New Paths […].
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) will conduct Guest Lecture with the title “Green Supply Chain and Environmental Management Accounting”.
Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Economics and Business in collaboration with The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) and supported by BRI Syariah will conduct a Socialization of “MINA – Let’s Perform Hajj While Young” (Indonesian, Mari Tunaikan […].
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with Indonesian Bankers Association (IBI) will conduct IBI Goes To Campus with Public Lecture on “Leadership in the Midst of Global Uncertainties”.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) will conduct a Public Lecture with the topic “Natural Resources Management Case Study: PT Freeport Indonesia.” Public lecture will be held on: Day, […].