Curriculum for Economics IUP 2018

Curriculum for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) – Program Study of Economics

Based on Curriculum: Year of 2024 | Year of 2022 | Year of 2018

Semester 1
Code Courses Credits Compulsory Credits Type Prerequisite Syllabus
AKU1601 Introducing to Accounting 3 3 W
BDU1105 Indonesian Language and Culture 3 3 W
BDU1106 English Writing Skills 3 3 W
EKO1101 Introduction to Economics I 3 3 W
EKO1104 Mathematics for Economics I 3 3 W
EKO1108 Statistics for Economics I 3 3 W
MAN1501 Introduction to Business 3 3 W
Subtotal Semester 1 21 21
Semester 2
BDU1107 German Language 3 3 W
EKO1102 Introduction to Economics II 3 3 W EKO1101>=C
EKO1107 Mathematics for Economics II 3 3 W EKO1104>=C
EKO1109 Mathematical Logic 3 3 W
EKO1501 Introduction to Law 3 3 W
EKO2102 Statistics for Economics II 3 3 W EKO1108>=C
Elective Course 1* 3 P
Subtotal Semester 2 21 18
Semester 3
BDU1105 Indonesian Values and Ideology 3 3 W
EKO1103 Sociology Economics 3 3 W
EKO1105 Microeconomics I 3 3 W EKO1101>=C, EKO1104>=C
EKO1106 Macroeconomics I 3 3 W EKO1102>=C
Elective Course 2* 3 P
Elective Course 3* 3 P
Elective Course 4* 3 P
Subtotal Semester 3 21 12
Semester 4
EKO2101 Microeconomics II 3 3 W EKO1105>=C
EKO2111 Macroeconomics II 3 3 W EKO1106>=C
EKO2201 Econometrics I 3 3 W EKO2102>=C, EKO1107>=C, EKO1106>=C, EKO1105>=C
EKO2301 International Economics I 3 3 W EKO1105>=C, EKO1106>=C
EKO2401 Monetary Economics I 3 3 W EKO1105>=C, EKO1106>=C
EKO2401 Public Economics I 3 3 W EKO1105>=C, EKO1106>=C
EKO2601 Development Economics I 3 3 W EKO1105>=C, EKO1106>=C
Subtotal Semester 4 21 21
Semester 5
EKO2202 Public Economics II 3 3 W EKO2201>=C
EKO2302 International Economics II 3 3 W EKO2301>=C
EKO2402 Monetary Economics II 3 3 W EKO2401>=C
EKO2602 Development Economics II 3 3 W EKO2601>=C
EKO3101 History of Economic Thought 3 3 W EKO1105>=C, EKO1106>=C
EKO3104 Indonesian Economy 3 3 W EKO2601>=C
EKO3115 Microeconemetrics 3 3 W EKO2112>=C
Subtotal Semester 5 21 21
Semester 6
EKO2602 Reserch Methodology 3 3 W EKO3114>=C
EKO3116 Macroenometrics 3 3 W EKO2101>=C and EKO2111>=C
Elective Course 5* 3 P
Elective Course 6* 3 P
Elective Course 7* 3 P
Elective Course 8* 3 P
Subtotal Semester 6 18 6
Semester 7
EKO3702 Workshop on Development Economics 3 3 W EKO2602>=C
EKO3703 Workshop on Monetary Economics 3 3 W EKO2402>=C
EKO3705 Workshop on International Economics 3 3 W EKO2302>=C
EKO3706 Workshop on Public Economics 3 3 W EKO2202>=C
Elective Course 9* 3 P
Elective Course 10* 3 P
Elective Course 11* 3 P
Subtotal Semester 7 12 3
Semester 8
EKO3705 Bachelor Thesis 6 6 W (EKO3701>D or EKO3702>D or EKO3703>D or EKO3705>D or EKO3706>D)
and IPK>=2.00 and SKS>=132 and EKO3105>=C
UNU222001 Social Community Service (KKN-PPM) 4 4 W SKS>=90 and IPK>=2.00
UNU222002 Community Communication 2 2 W
UNU222004 Implementation of Knowledge Management 2 2 W
Subtotal Semester 8 14 14
Total Credits for Compulsory Courses 116
Total Credits for Elective Courses 33
Total Credits Semester 1-8 149

Note: Student can take the credits up to 24 credits if they have the GPA min 3,75.

Selected Electives in Semester II (courses taken from Accounting or Management Department)

No Code Courses Credits Type Prerequisite Syllabus
1 AKU1401 Introduction to Information System 3
2 AKU3502 Public Sector Accounting 3
3 MAN1401 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making 3
4 MAN1502 Management 3
5 MAN2101 Financial Management I 3
6 MAN3510 Entrepreneurship 3

Selected Electives in Semester III (courses taken from Accounting or Management Department)

No Code Courses Credits Type Prerequisite Syllabus
1 AKU2402 System and Information Technology 3
2 MAN2102 Financial Management II 3
3 MAN3103 Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis 3
4 MAN3305 Strategic Management 3
5 MAN4512 Business Communication and Negotiation 3

List of Elective Courses in Semester VI and Semester VII

No Code Courses Credits Type Prerequisite Syllabus
1 AKU3502 Public Sector Accounting 3 P AKU1601>=C
2 EKO2501 Business Economics 3 P EKO2501>=C
3 EKO4201 Environmental Economics 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
4 EKO4203 Public Communication 3 P EKO2201>=C
5 EKO4204 Health Economics 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
6 EKO4301 ASEAN Economics 3 P EKO2301>=C
7 EKO4302 International Business 3 P EKO2301>=C and EKO1105>=C
8 EKO4303 International Relation 3 P EKO2301>=C
9 EKO4401 Bank and Financial Intermediaries 3 P EKO1106>=C and EKO2401>=C
10 EKO4402 Central Banking 3 P EKO2401>=C
11 EKO4601 Economics and Natural and Energy Resources 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
12 EKO4602 Human Resource Economics 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
13 EKO4603 Game Theory 3 P EKO1107>=C
14 EKO4604 Fundamental of Economic Planning 3 P EKO2601>=C
15 EKO4605 Regional and Urban Economics 3 P EKO2601>=C
16 EKO4606 Energy Economics 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
17 EKO4607 Economics of Education 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
18 EKO4701 Data Panel Econometrics 3 P EKO2112>=C
19 EKO4702 Tool of Economics Analysis 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
20 EKO4703 Basic Property Valuation 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
21 EKO4704 Property Management 3 P EKO4703>=C
22 EKO4705 Comparative Economics System 3 P EKO1105>=C and EKO1106>=C
23 EKO4706 Economic Experiment 3 P EKO1101>=C and EKO1102>=C
24 EKO4707 Cooperative Economics 3 P EKO1101>=C and EKO1102>=C
25 MAN1401 Quantitative Method for Decision Making 3 P EKO1104>=C
26 MAN1502 Management 3 P
27 MAN2101 Financial Management I 3 P MAN1501>=C and AKU1601>=C
28 MAN2102 Financial Management II 3 P MAN2101>=C
29 MAN3103 Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis 3 P MAN2101>=C
30 MAN3305 Strategic Management 3 P MAN1501>=C and MAN1502>=C
31 MAN3510 Entrepreneurship 3 P EKO2501>=C
32 MAN4512 Business Communication and Negotiation 3 P

Requirements of Minimum Score to Graduate from FEB UGM

In accordance with the Academic Policy regarding the Requirements of Minimum Score and General Provisions for Registration of Thesis and Comprehensive Examinations for Undergraduate Students at FEB UGM Class of 2017 and earlier Number 5721/FEB/AKM/DI/2019 dated August 12, 2019, and Academic Policy Number 5348/FEB/AKM/DI /2019 dated August 12, 2019 regarding the Requirements of the Minimum Score to Take the Thesis and Comprehensive Exams, as well as the 2020 Undergraduate Program Academic Guidebook, the minimum scores required to graduate are set out as follows.

  1. Class of 2018 students and after must have C as the minimum score for all compulsory, elective, and thesis test scores.
  2. Class of 2017 and previous students must have C- as the minimum score for all compulsory subjects, electives, and thesis test scores.
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