As a forum for connecting ties and bridging aspirations, last Friday (11/8), the Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MM FEB UGM) or MBA UGM again held an Alumni Gathering at De Patros Café, Batam, Riau Islands.
Wednesday (9/08), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), held an Orientation Day for 69 incoming undergraduate and graduate students for double degree programs and exchange programs fall 2023 from various countries.
Wednesday (9/8), the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA), together with PT Pupuk Kaltim, held a seminar which was one of a series of events from Pupuk Kaltim – Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (PKT-GAMA BCC).
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has inaugurated the ceremony for new professional and postgraduate students on Tuesday (8/08).
Friday (4/8), in a series of the 28th anniversary of the Masters in Development Economics Study Program (MEP), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), MEP held a national seminar entitled “Assessment of Regional Financial Management Assets and its Relation to the Preparation of Long-Term Development Plans and Regional Medium Term”.
One of the agendas on the Freshmen Successful Learner Training (PPSMB) Simfoni at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) was the “Inspiring Person” session.
Our spirit, the Gamada, sings the tunes
Assembling hope together in FEB, our home
Laughter, jokes, stories, Simfoni
I passed everything with you.
“Song of Coming Home”, a modified composition by Malika Nasshira Adzani (Accounting 2022), Elisa Lintang Ratri Arianna (Management 2022), and the PPSMB Simfoni Creative Team from ‘Setapak Sriwedari’ by Maliq & D’essentials
All students who passed the Graduation Ceremony of Period IV of the 2022/2023 Academic Year felt moments of emotion and pride.
Friday (21/7), Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), again held a Seminar and Public Lecture (SinarKU) with the theme “Social Protection in Developing Countries: Lessons from Indonesia”.