Directorate of Student Affairs (Dirmawa) Universitas Gadjha Mada will organize Student Achievers Seminar. The seminar will be held as follows:
- Day and date: Thursday, December 8, 2011
- Time: 7:30 pm
- Venue: Graha Sabha Pramana
- Dr. Anggito Abimanyu (Chairman of Perbasi, Chairman of the Indonesia Forum, Lecturer of FEB UGM)
- Dr. Adhyaksa Dault, SH, M. Si (Former Menpora, Youth Observer)
- Sekar Sari (Putri Batik Nusantara 2011)
- Mirah Mahaswari (Student Achievers 2011)
- Yogi Sidik Prasojo
Investment: IDR 10.000, – & facilities: Snack, Certificate
Additional performance:
- Parade Movie National and International UGM Students Achievers
- World Robot Team Exhibition
Information and Registration: Ilham 087889031012