Student Association of Management (IKAMMA), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada invites undergraduate student of the Faculty of Economics throughout Indonesia to participate Call For Essay. 15 teams with selected essays will follow the National Student Conference at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada on December 15, 2012. National Student Conference is one of the agenda Managemet Event 2012 with the topic “Better Business Through Sustainable Management.”
Essay themes as follows:
- Implementation of Local Wisdom in Business Ethics
- Optimizing Resource Planning (Sustainable Resource) Company to Achieve Competitive Advantage
Terms and Conditions:
- Active students of the Faculty of Economics (Undergraduate and Vocational) from PTS/PTN in Indonesia
- A team consists of 1-2 people
- Fill out the registration form on
- Pay a registration fee IDR 100.000,- to Bank Account No. 137-000-727-4943 Arthur Kemal Pamungkas, later than November 9, 2012
- Submit Essays later than November 16, 2012
- Best Essay: IDR 3,000,000.- & certificate
- Best Team: IDR 2,500,000.- & certificate
For further information see or contact Sheila 083845041550 or Amel 085643139678.