Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) is grieving due of the loss of one of the best lecturers and a reliable Indonesian economist, Tony Prasetiantono, M.Sc., Ph.D. He died at the age of 56 years on Wednesday (01/16/2019) at 23:30 in Jakarta, leaving a loving wife and a daughter.
Tony was born in Muntilan on October 27th, 1962. He graduated from FEB UGM in 1986, earned Master of Science degree from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States in 1991 and a Ph.D. from Australian National University, Canberra in 2005.
Besides teaching, he was listed as a member of the Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency (BSBI) during 2017-2020 and has held commissioner positions in several companies (2003-2019). He was also active as a speaker in various seminars and writing books and actively writing in mass media. On the other hand, the love of the deceased towards Jazz music is undoubtable. Economics Jazz Live (EJL) as one of the international standard music events is one of his masterpiece, which consistently only presents the world’s top jazz musicians. In each EJL event which was held for the first time in 1987 until the last concert on Saturday (03/11/2018) which changed its name to UGM Jazz, Tony was always involved many students and lecturers in the committee. From this experience, students could learn many things outside of their lecture activities and have direct participation in managing international events in the field of creative industries.
Many colleagues and fellow lecturers could not believe Tony’s departure. Wednesday (01/16/2019) night at a restaurant in Jakarta, several lecturers of FEB UGM including Tony were having dinner together. “During our conversation, we talked a lot about things jokingly and there was not any feeling or a sign that we would be left behind by our best friend Tony Prasetiantono, Ph.D. so fast, “said Prof. Dr. R. Agus Sartono, MBA who currently serves as Deputy for Education and Religious, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK). The same thing expressed by Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D. fellow lecturer at FEB UGM “Last night we were still having dinner with FEB UGM lecturers who happened to be in Jakarta and we still joke around as usual, I am very sad to hear this news”.
Tony’s kindness and attention during his lifetime will always be remembered by his colleagues. Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim delivered his message via electronic message “From other hemisphere with 6 hours differences we joined in praying for our brother’s sad news, many memories of your kindness and amidst your busy service to the country, he still had time to teach and writing articles in the newspaper”. While Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D. also added “He is always open if asked by his juniors, he never hesitated to give advice, always wise and polite. He also never hesitated to encourage and praise his juniors”.
With great dedication to the world of education and jazz music, Tony’s departure certainly made many people feel at lost. Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc. Ph.D. who is also a close friend of the deceased, “The academic community of FEB UGM and UGM in general are deeply mournful. Mr. Tony was one of the leading economists whose analysis is very sharp and often provides information about the economy to the public”.
The large number of colleagues and relations who attended the deceased’s funeral is a living prove that Tony was a respected person. Wreaths came from various backgrounds, alumni, school partners, people from the same industry, banking, and also from President Joko Widodo.
FEB UGM has lost one of their best teacher. Thank you for all your love, work and dedication … Rest in Peace Tony …
Source: Erma Wheni