Deloitte Indonesia annually hands out talented students from top universities all over Indonesia the opportunity to become Deloitte Grand Ambassador. In 2019, Muhammad Hafizh Caesaro (Accounting-IUP 2016), a penultimate year student from the Accounting Department FEB UGM was selected as a Deloitte Grand Ambassador 2019.
Applicants went through several steps of selection before finally being selected as each campus’ Grand Ambassadors. They have to pass through an administrative test before being invited into on-campus English and technical tests, which covers subjects such as auditing, taxation, and financial accounting. Based on the test results, the top five students from each university are invited into an enrichment program and final screening in Deloitte’s head office in Jakarta. The final screening stage filters 50 top students from various universities into 20 top finalists through focus group discussions and further into 10 top finalists through final round of panel interview with top management officers and partners of Deloitte Indonesia. Hafizh was one of the top 10 students who received the award of Deloitte Grand Ambassador 2019.
As a Deloitte Grand Ambassador, Hafizh will receive several benefits such as earning a 10 million Rupiah scholarship and an opportunity to be directly hired as a Deloitte junior associate upon graduation. Hafizh will also be assigned the duty to represent Deloitte in the campus to strengthen its tie to FEB UGM. In the future, it is hoped that Deloitte Indonesia will hold even more on-campus events such as audit simulation, campus recruitment, and public lecture.
Source: Muhammad Hafizh Caesaro