The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) at this time should be proud. One of the students succeeded in winning the champion at the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) at the 32nd PIMNAS event on 27-30 Agustus 2019 which took place at Universitas Udayana (UNUD), Bali.
This achievement was the result of hard work from Rika Absoni (Accounting 2017), and a team consisting of Muhammad Dhiya Ulhaq (Tourism 2017), Yohanes Adjie Kurniawan (Computer and Information Systems SV 2017), and Almira Putri Ratna Dewi (Japanese Literature 2018) who succeeded won two awards in the field of PKM-Entrepreneurship, namely the gold medal in the Presentation category, and the silver medal in the Poster category. The PKM title that they brought was “Pongo, Rhino, Para, Wonderful Indonesia Mascot Dolls as a Media for Promoting Tourism Diversity” which was the result of the guidance of the accompanying lecturer Fahmi Prihantoro, SS, MA and also a supervisor lecturer from FEB UGM, Choirunnisa Arifa, SE, M .Sc., Ph.D. The business is a unique business that contains facts about Indonesian tourism objects and promotes Indonesian tourism by linking information tags on the doll’s arms.
In this event, PIMNAS was joined by 460 titles of scientific works from 126 state and private universities in Indonesia. UGM successfully passed 25 teams to PIMNAS and successfully defended the overall champion by winning a total of 26 medals (9 gold, 8 silver, 9 bronze). The delivery of the Adhikarta Kertawidya rotating trophy was carried out by the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research and Technology, Prof. Ismunandar to the Vice Chancellor for UGM Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Djagal Marseso Wiseno at Taman Werdhi Budaya-Art Center, Denpasar on Friday (30/08).
We congratulate and thank the PKM FEB UGM Team, PKM UGM Team, accompanying lecturers, coaches and all parties for their achievements and hard work in this competition!
Sumber: Ika/humas