Thursday (10/17) Faculty of Economics and Business University of Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a Public Lecture in collaboration with the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) and BRI Syari’ah with the headline “BPKH Goes to Campus”. The event was held in the 8th Floor Auditorium of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building. The event entitled MINA (Mari Tunaikan Haji Selagi Muda) presented various famous speakers including Ustaz Erick Yusuf (Coach at SMP Kreatif iHAQi Boarding School Bandung) , Mr. Wijayanto (Head of Funding and Digital Banking Division at BRIsyariah ), and Mr. Iskandar Zulkarnain (Member of the Implementing Body at BPKH).
The first session was a speech by Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of FEB UGM. “This is a good opportunity and an honor because feb is perceived to only think about money, but it turns out we can also hold public lectures and sharing sessions about the process of managing hajj funds in a shariah manner,” Eko said.
The second session was the explanation of material from Ahmad Iskandar Zulkarnain as a Member of the BPKH Executing Agency. Regarding the Hajj mechanism, Iskandar said that every year the value of benefits will be distributed, the value of the benefits will be even greater so that 20 years, when leaving, will not add more. Iskandar added for millennial to prepare the hajj from a young age, so that the noble intention to make the hajj is more stable, the time to wait for the hajj is shorter, can go faster for the hajj, economic and physical istitho’ah fulfilled, and can perform worship with maximum in the Holy Land.
Mina Movement is a national movement to invite young people of Indonesia to prepare for Hajj from an early age. “We want millennials to take a hajj, so that the generation has social piety so that it can build our nation,” Iskandar said.
One other speaker who is also a motivator is Ustaz Erick Yusuf. Ustaz Erick Yusuf said that Millennial must be optimistic to take Hajj because Allah wants us to be serious. If we intend, then the intention of Hajj does not stop there. therefore there must be a strong effort to make it happen. Then, the event continued with material presentation by Wijayanto as Head of the BRI Syari’ah Funding and Digital Banking Division. After the material explanation session, the event ended with the giving of placards from BPKH to the Dean of FEB UGM.
Source: Sony Budiarso/Leila Chanifah Zuhri