Covid-19, a pandemic that has been being spreaded increasingly, seems to have had an impact on all levels of society. For this reason, caring and giving empathy for others are needed to survive and endure the difficult times during the Covid-19 pandemic. Especially in education sector, given the worsening situation of the spread of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta that has not been subsided, some students of the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) find it difficult to return to their hometowns and ultimately choose to remain in their boarding house. Therefore, as a form of social care, FEB UGM cooperates with the FEB UGM Student Executive Board (BEM FEB UGM) to provide logistical assistance in a form of staple food to UGM FEB students to ease their burdens who still survive in boarding house and have not returned to their hometown.
The giving of this assistance was carried out in several stages. Previously, the first and second stages were carried out in the last April 2020. The third phase of the logistics distribution process is still the same as the previous two stages. The distribution process involved educators and also student volunteers by still following the health protocol to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The distribution of the third stage was held on Saturday (5/16/2020) with a direct delivery system through volunteers team consisted of FEB students in coordination with the Department of Social Affairs of the BEM FEB UGM to the points of logistics taking and also to the student’s residence.
The third stage of logistics distribution was carried out by distributing 39 food packages that were assisted by six volunteers. Logistics assistance provided including instant noodles, rice, eggs, oil, milk, biscuits, and masks. In addition to food assistance, there is also phone credit assistance to help students to keep communicating with their families in their hometown. The logistic picking point is divided into four area points, namely in Kinanthi Dormitory (north area), Klebengan Gymnasium/GOR (east area), Etos Monjali Beastudi Dormitory (west area), and Mandala Krida Stadium (south area). Eko Suwardi as the Dean of FEB UGM said that the distribution of logistics was a form of responsibility and attention from FEB UGM to its students, as well as an effort to fight the pandemic.
The Family of the Alumni of the Faculty of Economics Gadjah Mada Special Region of Yogyakarta (KAFEGAMA DIY) also showed concern and the humanitarian spirit towards their alma mater by providing financial assistance to FEB UGM in the amount of Rp 10,000,000 (Ten Million Rupiah). In addition to KAFEGAMA DIY, BRI Syariah Bank Yogyakarta Branch also contributed by providing financial assistance in the amount of Rp 5,000,000 (five million rupiah) for the students.
“We really appreciate the concern of DIY Kafegama alumni, this shows how close the kinship and mutual cooperation between alumni and their alma mater. And also thank you to partners and all parties who have contributed to jointly actualize our empathy for our students who were also affected by this pandemic. ” said Eko.
The hope is that the provision of such assistance can ease the burden on students, and give spirit to students to stay strong during this difficult times amid the pandemic of Covid-19.
Translator: Laras OIA