There are various ways to maintain mental health when experiencing anxiety or stress. Psychologist Atikah Dian Rahmawati, M.Psi., a psychologist at the Student Wellness and Personal Development Center (SWPDC) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UGM, shared some simple tips for maintaining mental health that students can practice. One of them is the butterfly hug method. This method is quite simple and can relieve anxiety or negative feelings.
“The right hand is placed on the left shoulder, and the left hand is placed on the right shoulder, then gently tap the shoulders,” she explained on Thursday (1/8) in front of 605 new students during the SIMFONI 2024 event at the FEB UGM Plaza.
This gentle, rhythmic movement can help divert attention from anxious thoughts, while the rhythmic tapping can provide a sense of calm.
Another step to maintaining mental health is engaging in hobbies. Activities you enjoy can stimulate the production of dopamine, a hormone that can increase feelings of happiness.
“In addition, sleep and exercise can naturally boost hormones. Walking around Jogja can also help increase hormones,” she added.
Atikah emphasized that maintaining mental health can be done by choosing a positive social environment. Therefore, she advised students to choose an excellent social environment as part of their efforts to maintain mental health.
On this occasion, Atikah also explained Psychological First Aid (PFA), or the first steps that can be taken to strengthen the mental state of someone in crisis.
“Students are expected to be more aware of their surroundings, especially when they see signs of mental disorders,” she said.
Reportase: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals