Good news from the UGM team, which consists of Dharmawan Santosa (Economics 2016), Veronika Xaveria (Business-IUP 2016), Jesita Wida Anjani (Economics-IUP 2016), and Ulayya Gempur Tirani (Accounting 2014). On April 7-9 2018, the Grande team was competing to represent Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM in HSBC Business Case Competition 2018. This is an event in the form of business case competition held as a series of national event. The competition took place in two places, at Sampoerna University Building and World Trade Center, Jakarta.
HSBC Business Case Competition 2018 consists of several stages. Before competing in Jakarta, each university conducts an internal selection and then chooses a team that becomes a faculty representative. After that, 15 teams from different universities were selected and invited to join the semifinals in Jakarta. In the semifinals, each team worked on a business case about the Apple company within 2.5 hours. This business case is done without an internet connection in a special quarantine room provided by the committee. After that, each team was given 20 minutes to present in front of a jury who is a practitioner of various companies. At this stage, Grande team from FEB UGM became one of the three teams that qualified for the final stage.
In the final stage, FEB UGM Grande Team along with two other finalists from Prasetiya Mulya University and Universitas Indonesia, are required to work on a business case concerning a Starbucks company. Unlike the semifinals, in the final round, each team is given three hours to provide a solution. After that, the presentation was done and opened for public at the World Trade Center Building, Jakarta. In the final round, there are five judges from various backgrounds who make the assessment. Based on the assessment of the jury, the FEB UGM Grande Team was awarded as “2nd Winner” in this prestigious business competition.
Source: Veronika