The UGM’s Mino team has earned another international achievement by winning a world competition titled Ideas for Action 2018. Previously, the team also won a world championship in a food security innovation competition, Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) 2018, in Cambodia.
The team consisting of Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis and Fajar Sidik (alumni of Mechanical Engineering 2012), Untari Febrian Ramadhani (alumni of Management 2012), Monika Sekar Melati Istanto (Management 2014), Anindtyo Agung Baskoro and Muhammad Nur Ardian (Mechanical Engineering 2014) successfully won the first place for their MINO Microbubbles technology.
Their innovation was selected as the winner after beating 2,100 project proposals from around the world listed in this prestigious competition. As many as 13,000 young innovators in 4,000 teams from 162 countries joined the competition.
“The competition took place online and participants were asked to design ideas for financing and implementing the sustainable development goals,” said Nabil when contacted on Monday (6/24).
Nabil said their MINO Microbubbles technology was developed to improve the fish farming. The technology can increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water so it can accelerate the fish growth. Meanwhile, the existing systems can only increase the amount of dissolved oxygen up to 3-4 ppm.
“This technology is proven to shorten the harvest time and improve the fish production up to 40%.”
Launched in 2016, the innovation has been applied by a group of fish farmers, Mino Ngremboko, in Bokesan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Until now, Mino has been enhanced in three generations.
Mino is considered as an innovation that helps the fish farmers in improving fish farm yields. The team was placed as the first rank in 14 Innovations to Help Solve the World’s Toughest Problems released on Friday (6/22).
The Ideas for Action competition is an annual and joint program of the World Bank and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research in the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, US. The competition is an educational platform that links the world’s young researchers and leaders with determination towards the world’s future development to take part in devising ideas and implementing sustainable development ideas (SGDs).
The MINO team gained the opportunity to present their ideas during the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Moreover, they also received support from a startup accelerator at the Wharton School and the opportunity to visit the university.
The success of these young students was realized with the support of supervisors, namely Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., and Dr. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng. In addition, they were also supported by Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Dept. of Management, Dept. of Fisheries, UGM Center for Energy Studies, and the university.
MINO Microbubble Technology generator is one of the innovations invented by UGM students. The water processing technology improves the harvest yields so it improves the farmers’ welfare and boost the sustainable development.
Source: Ika /UGM