Good news comes from Henri Widiyanto, a second-year student from Accounting FEB UGM. In August 2nd 2016, Henri was appointed as the only UGM student who achieve the prestigious award from KPMG ASEAN Scholarship 2016. KPMG ASEAN Scholarship is a scholarship program which is specifically aimed for the first-year and the second-year student at a university in ASEAN. This year is the second year of the scholarship program. With the offer of opportunity to experience a working exposure, this program is highly in demand.
Thousands of applicants applied for this award and were selected according to the eligible requirements. Applicants who passed the administrative selection then had to complete five online tests with KPMG Singapore standard. From thousands of them, top 30 applicants were invited to Jakarta to do further assessments. The assessments are English Writing Skills, Forum Group Discussion, Business Case and Presentation, and Interview with KPMG Partners. Afterwards, eight best students were chosen as KPMG ASEAN Scholars 2016.
There are several benefits that Henri will get as a scholar, including three-year scholarship for studies in university, two paid internships in Jakarta Head Quarter and in another country in ASEAN (Singapore/Malaysia/Thailand), and career contract with KPMG right after graduating. Henri will also participate in KPMG events, such as KPMG Annual Gathering which is attended about 800 people from KPMG Indonesia, etc.
By having Henri as one of the KPMG ASEAN Scholars, the relationship between both institutions, FEB UGM and KPMG is wide open. For examples, events such as company visit, audit simulation, or even recruitment event. Hopefully, more students from UGM could pursue their careers in KPMG.
Source: Mahsa/FEBUGM