As one of “the Big Four” accounting firms, Deloitte gives an opportunity for talented students from top universities in Indonesia to become Deloitte Grand Ambassador. This year, Ulayya Gempur Tirani, a third-year student from Accounting Department FEB UGM, was selected to be Deloitte Grand Ambassador 2017.
Applicants who apply for this award are shortlisted based on highly competitive selection process. They have to pass the online administrative selection, and then they are invited for English test and technical test such as auditing, taxation, and financial accounting. Based on the tests’ results, the top five students from each of university are invited to join the enrichment program and the final screening at Deloitte office in Jakarta. In the final screening stage, 50 finalists from many universities are divided into several groups and conduct a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). After the FGD, the top 20 finalists are shortlisted and conduct a panelist session where each of the finalist is being asked to answer one random question and presents the answer in front of the top management and partners from Deloitte Indonesia. Finally, the best 10 finalists are elected as a Deloitte Grand Ambassador, including Ulayya.
As a Deloitte Grand Ambassador, Ulayya will have some advantageous benefits such as a 10 million scholarship and a direct opportunity as a Deloitte’s junior associate once she is graduated from FEB UGM. Ulayya is also assigned as a Deloitte’s representative in order to strengthen the relationship between FEB UGM and Deloitte. She hopes that there will be many activities between FEB UGM and Deloitte, such as audit simulation, campus recruitment, or public lecture from Deloitte in the near future.
Source: Arizona/FEB