The team of undergraduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM won first place in the national business case competition, PKT-GAMA BCC 2022. PKT-GAMA BCC (Pupuk Kaltim – Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition) 2022 was organized by KAFEGAMA (Family Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada) in collaboration with PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim). This business case competition is open to active students from all over Indonesia with each team consisting of three people. In this year’s competition, the theme was “Innovation and Sustainability in Agribusiness” and was attended by a total of 159 teams, consisting of 118 teams of undergraduate students and 41 teams of masters students from various leading universities in Indonesia, such as UGM, UI, ITS, ITB, IPB, Binus University, Prasetiya Mulya University, and many more.
The FEB UGM team named Chemisthree Consulting Group (CCG) consists of three FEB UGM Management students Batch 2020, namely Gary Neville, Afnia Miftahul Firdaus, and Doni Dzaki Taufiqurrahman. CCG succeeded in qualifying for the grand final round and went to Jakarta to conduct an offline presentation at the Bidakara Hotel on Friday (22/07). The three teams from S1 who qualified for the final round came from UGM, ITS, and UI. In addition to the S1 team, there is also the I Leaders team from S2 (International Executive MBA (IEMBA) Batch 13 Class) consisting of Sania Humaira, Nur Indah Maya Ningrum, and Fachrian Nabil Fauzi who also qualified for the grand final round.
The competition began with the submission of the first case on June 23, 2022, whose work is given a deadline of June 25. Solutions from cases are collected in the form of proposals and video presentations. A few weeks later, it was announced that each of the twelve teams from the undergraduate and postgraduate categories would qualify for the BCC I round. The teams that passed got a second case to be solved in less than two days, which was on 14-15 July 2022. Two days later, it was announced that the top three from each category were entitled to advance to the BCC II round or the grand final round.
In participating in this competition, the CCG team resolved three different business cases from PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur for each round. In the preliminary round, the CCG team solved the case of the derivative product diversification plan launched by PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur. In the first BCC round, the CCG team proposed the idea of a smart farming solution to solve the case of declining rice farming productivity in Indonesia. Until the final round, the CCG team remained consistent with its optimal performance through a proposed gamification project with a biological approach for farmers to assist PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur in developing alternatives for Carbon Capture Storage.
In the grand final round, the committee gave 15 minutes of presentation time and 15 minutes of jury question and answer for each finalist. Prior to the presentation, there was also a seminar where the speakers were senior officials from PT Pupuk Kaltim and several other speakers. After all teams from undergraduate and postgrad made their presentations, announcements were made on the spot. The CCG team managed to become the winner in this competition, outperforming teams from UI (2nd Winner) and ITS (3rd Place). Likewise with the I Leaders team, they also managed to win first place in the postgrad category. Not only that, one member of each team, Gary Neville and Nur Indah Mayaningrum, was also awarded the Best Speaker award in the competition.
FEB UGM feels very proud of the victories in this competition considering the intense competition from other teams whose ideas and solutions are no less powerful. Hopefully the teams involved can continue to improve their abilities, share ideas, and inspire other FEB UGM friends. FEB UGM congratulates the winning team!
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy