Wednesday (09/11) was a day of pride for the UGM student team for having won the KBMK competition by bringing home the second most medals nationally. The National Student Competition for Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK) is one of the development programs for student talent at the higher education level organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This year’s theme is “Recover Together Recover Stronger: Improvement in Strengthening and Expansion of Food Security and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Support of the Priority Agenda of the G20 Indonesia Presidency for 2022 Within the Framework of the Fields of Business, Management and Finance.” In 2022, the KBMK will be held at Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI).
The series of KBMK activities are divided into 5 categories, namely Competition in Business Planning, Investment Research, Investigative Audit Finance, Commercialization of Appropriate Research and Technology, and Scientific Writing. The student team of the Faculty of Economics and Business won this competition by bringing home three winning titles. The Guitar Team consisting of Ahnaf Yassar Lilo (Economics 2019), Saefu Robani (Management 2019), dan Aji Prakoso (Accounting 2020) who are students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and receive guidance from Dr. Evi Noor Afifah, MSE received the title of Best Team 1 in the Investment Research Competition.
In addition, the Relasee Team consisting of Annisa Amalia Salsabiila (Accounting 2019), Fikri Pratama Khaliq and Sarah Dewiyanti (Public Sector Accounting-SV 2019) was accompanied by Rizky Wulandari, SE, M.Acc. won the title of Best Team 2 of Investigative Audit Finance Competition. Then, there is the Synergist Team consisting of Nurhafizhah Shafiyah Ardita (Accounting 2020) dan Sri Arthauli Rezeki (Management 2020) from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) with guidance from Rocky Adiguna, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D. won the title as the Best Team 3 in the field of Scientific Writing.
Aji Prakoso, one of the winners of the 2022 KBMK is very grateful for his success in winning and receiving the title of Best Team 1 for Investment Research. Aji said that this competition was one of the milestones that had been expected for a long time. Aji also told that in the process of participating in this competition, many things had to be sacrificed until it was finally achieved. He also thanked the Business Lab for facilitating the competition process, the Advisory Lecturer, and his teammates, namely Lilo and Saefu, who had become partners as well as mentors.
Congratulations to students who have won the competition very well. Hopefully the FEB UGM student team can always make FEB UGM proud through positive activities.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini