The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) as one of the largest associations that exclusively focuses on developing the management accounting profession is holding the IMA Student Case Competition 2023 for students globally. This competition is divided into six regions: the USA, India, Europe, Asia-Pacific, China, and the Middle East. IMA AsiaPac Student Case Competition 2023 is a prestigious international competition that brings together students from universities across the Asia-Pacific region to compete and demonstrate their skills in solving real-world business problems. This competition provides an excellent opportunity for students to show off their knowledge and skills in accounting and finance.
This year, the GAMA Team representing students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), won first place in IMA AsiaPac Student Case Competition 2023. The team consists of five accounting undergraduate students from batch 2020, including Aura Putri Buwono Dewi, Azzahra Aulia Hasibuan, Adisty Cantika Paramadhina (IUP), Afif Haidar Endraswara (IUP), and Khofifah Rizza Firmansyah. As mentors of their team is Arief Surya Irawan, S.E., M.Com. Ak., CA., Lecturer of the Accounting Department at FEB UGM.
“I have been interested in management accounting for a long time and have participated in regular business case competitions, but this is the first time I have had the opportunity to take part in a business case with the current management accounting topic. I’m very grateful for the opportunity. Thank you to the IMA and the great judges for giving us the first place position. Thank you also to my teammates and Pak Arief Surya Irawan as the mentor and CAMA and SPM lecturers for their help and support,” said Azzahra Aulia Hasibuan as the winner of the IMA AsiaPac Student Case Competition 2023.
This year’s competition registration is open from 28 November 2022 to 3 February 2023 with the case topic “Kunapipi Gardens: Transfer Pricing in The Service Industry.” Competitors are required to make a PowerPoint and select to get the four best teams. After that, the four chosen teams were asked to present PowerPoint through zoom meetings. Participants must comprehensively analyze these complex business cases in groups and provide innovative solutions to overcome the problems. Every team has to show good analytical, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through the innovative solutions offered.
Assessment teams will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges who will judge their presentation on the quality of their analysis, the appropriateness of their recommendations, and the effectiveness of their communication skills. The top three teams final competition IMA AsiaPac Student Case Competition 2023 obtained prizes in the form of a U.S. Scholarship CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) with a value of more than US $ 2,000, Amazon coupons, and the opportunity to enter the “Team Membership Program” with the IMA in their region. In addition, the GAMA Team that succeeded in becoming the first winner got to participate in an exclusive session on preparation and career development with Dr. Josh Heniro as Senior Director, Southeast Asia, and Australasia, IMA.
Congratulations to Team GAMA for the win!
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini