A team of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), achieved a remarkable feat at the 2024 National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK). The competition, which took place from June 24-26, 2024, saw the FEB UGM team bring home two gold medals and one silver medal. This accomplishment positioned the FEB UGM team as the Overall Champion of KBMK 2024.
KBMK is a prestigious competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) in collaboration with Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. FEB UGM sent three delegate teams to compete in Investment Research, Investigative Audit, and Scientific Writing.
The gold medal in the investment research field was won by the Artemis team, led by Hafidh Firdaus Muzakki (Accounting 2021) and members Muhammad Rizqy Al Farisi (Accounting 2021) and Haniyah Nur Hasanah (Economics 2021). They presented a research project titled “SIDO: Consistency Business with Quality,” supervised by Prof. Dr. Mamduh M. Hanafi, M.B.A., Amanda Wijayanti, S.E., M.S., and Nofie Iman Vidya Kemal, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.
The gold medal in the scientific writing field was secured by the Cigrosys team, led by Mohammad Agta Annafi’ Sugiyantoro (Economics 2022) and member Hasan Adi Nugraha (Cartography and Remote Sensing 2021). Their paper, titled “CIGROSYS (Circular Green Solutions for Ecology System): Strategy for Utilizing Non-Productive Peatland Ex-Palm Oil through Vaname Shrimp Aquaculture,” was supervised by Amirullah Setya Hardi, S.E., Cand.Oecon., Ph.D., and Dr. Rachmawan Budiarto, S.T., M.T.
The Assurify team won a silver medal, led by Clara Alverina Laurensia (Accounting 2021) and members Billy Hendriansyah and Jeremy Christian Muwardi (Public Sector Accounting SV 2021). This team earned the silver medal for their “Fraud Case Analysis in Hard Drive Procurement at a Banking Company,” supervised by Rizky Wulandari, S.E., M.Acc., CFrA., (Vocational School).
Arizona Mustikarini, Ph.D., Head of the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU) at FEB UGM, stated that FEB UGM, through CSDU, is strongly committed to supporting its students in participating in competitions at the national, regional, and international levels. The achievements of FEB UGM students in KBMK 2024 are expected to inspire other students to continue excelling and bringing honor to their alma mater both nationally and internationally.
Source: CSDU
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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