The Bisa-Bisa Team from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), has performed remarkably in the International Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GAMA BCC) 2024. The team won 2nd place in the Undergraduate (S1) category in the competition held on Sunday (11/24/2024) at TMII, Jakarta.
The Bisa-Bisa team comprises three accounting students: Giacinta Betralda Anin Pradita, Azza Maisha Rani Khoirunnisa, and Cyntia Ivanka P. Simanjuntak. This competition was organized in cooperation with FEB UGM, Kafegama, and PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT).
The road to victory was a challenging one. The team navigated various stages of the competition, including in-depth analysis, video submission, case studies, creating presentation decks, and presenting their solutions to the judges.
Cyntia Ivanka shared that in the first round, they were tasked with solving a case about farmers’ access to subsidized fertilizer and the challenge of many farmers still relying on organic fertilizer. In the first Business Case Competition (BCC) stage, the team worked on a case about the supply chain of fertilizers marketed by Pupuk Kaltim. In the second BCC stage, they had to create a business model framework for Pupuk Kaltim to enter the organic fertilizer market.
“The competition process was full of challenges, such as the limited time of only 3.5 days for BCC stages 1 and 2. In addition, one of our team members was interning in another city, so we had to manage our schedules online, which made communication and coordination a unique challenge,” she explained.
She also admitted that the team needed help presenting their ideas in English during the finals. However, they overcame all obstacles with enthusiasm, hard work, and team solidarity. Their achievement was also aided by the guidance of their faculty mentor, Arief Surya Irawan, S.E., M.Com., Ak., CA, and the support of the faculty.
“We are thrilled to have won this international competition, especially considering the outstanding competitors. In addition, we had the opportunity to present our ideas to prominent figures, including the Dean of FEB and representatives from OJK,” she said.
Cyntia Ivanka hopes that this victory will motivate them to continue growing. “Every achievement is just the beginning of a longer journey. We want to keep learning and innovating for ourselves and to make a positive impact for many,” she concluded.
Reportage: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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