Students who take an International exposure program and wish to convert the credit earned are required to fill out a learning agreement form and must be approved by the Study Program prior to the program. The Study Program has the authority to assess the learning agreement submitted by students. Technical instructions for credit transfer have been regulated through Dean’s Decree Number 1226/UN1/FEB/SDM/KP/2022 concerning Grades and Credits Conversion for Credit Transfer for the Student International Mobility Program. Students are required to communicate with the processing team (GREAT and/or Academic team) if there is a change in taking courses taken abroad and update the learning agreement sheet. Changes to the learning agreement must be acknowledged and approved by the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in each department.
Students can apply for credit transfer for lecture activities outside the study program and university, both in Indonesia and abroad (summer course). Credit transfer applications apply for both the IUP program and regular program students.
Students who wish to process the credit transfer are required to make an application letter through the academic office by including an activity poster or course syllabus. The credit transfer application will be decided in the credit transfer judicial meeting by the study program. The learning agreement approval process can be submitted to the Academic Office (email The credit transfer process takes approximately five weeks from the time the documents are submitted.
Credit Transfer Procedure
- Before Departing/Taking the Mobility Program (Pre Mobility Program)
- Students download the learning agreement template at
- Students fill out the learning agreement according to the program they will undergo and the courses they will take. Students can add or submit requests for admitted courses at home university by writing down the desired courses, based on the suitability of the material coverage in the syllabus of the courses taken with the transferred courses at FEB. If the student does not know the desired courses at FEB UGM, they can write as it is or leave it blank.
- Students send the learning agreement (signed by the student) accompanied by the syllabus of the courses to be taken to the Global Relations and Mobility Office Team (GREAT)/Academic office via email at
- The learning agreement submitted by students will be discussed and decided in a credit transfer judiciary meeting with the Head Study Program. Credit transfer judicial meetings are held once a month between the third or fourth week (scheduled according to an agreement with the Head of the Study Program).
- The Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT)/Academic office will inform students of the credit transfer results from the judiciary meeting via email, and will notify students to send back the learning agreement form which has been updated in accordance with the results and decisions of the credit transfer judicial meeting in the same email thread.
- The Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT)/Academic office will submit the updated learning agreement that has been sent by the student to be signed by the Head of the Study Program, then send it back to the student to fulfill the requirements and become the basis for the credit transfer of their mobility program.
- After Completion of the Mobility Program (Post Mobility Program)
- Students send the following documents to the Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT)/Academic office via email
- Learning agreement that has been signed by the Head of the Study Program and Host University. If a student wishes to delete/add/change courses contained in the study contract sheet after the study contract sheet has been approved by the Head of the Study Program, then the deleted/added/changed courses can be written on the second page of the learning agreement.
- Course Syllabus
- Official transcripts from partner universities and UGM
- Testimonials (guidelines can be downloaded at
- Grade conversion table (if applicable)
- Thesis manuscript and Thesis Grades (especially for Dual Degree Programs that work on a thesis at partner universities)
- The documents submitted by students will be discussed and decided in a credit transfer judiciary meeting with the Head of Study Program. The credit transfer judiciary meeting is held once every month between the third and fourth week (decided time according to the approval of the Head of Study Program).
- The Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT)/Academic office will inform students of the results of the credit transfer judicial meeting via email, and inform students that the transfer of grades will be processed in accordance with the results and decisions of the Head of Study Program.
- Converted credits and grades are recorded in the SINTESIS and SIMASTER.
- Students send the following documents to the Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT)/Academic office via email