During their studies at FEB UGM, every student needs to receive academic guidance. Academic guidance aims to help students develop their abilities as much as possible in their learning process.
Academic Guidance Provisions
Academic guidance is carried out by one lecturer as the Academic Supervisor (DPA). This academic guidance is conducted using a coaching system, namely building a partnership between the lecturer (coach) and the student (coachee) through a creative process aimed at maximizing their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a form of partnership aimed at achieving both academic and non-academic goals. Coaching involves a creative process where students are invited to think, find ideas, and make strategies. Coaching builds awareness within students regarding their potential and strengths, also their will to thrive.
Guidance Scheduling with Academic Advisors
The time provided for guidance is flexible. Students can consult anytime if needed. Students can propose a schedule to consult with the academic supervisor via email or other communication media consulted with the academic supervisor. Students are advised to meet and consult with the academic supervisor at least three times in one semester. In addition, students are encouraged to have academic consultation twice in one semester to get some input and direction from the academic supervisor. Students can utilize the academic supervisor guidance menu feature available on Simaster. Students are advised to submit consultation appointments through Simaster so that the entire history of consultations conducted with the academic supervisor can be documented in one system. Students can carry out the consultation during the approaching course selection period to get input and directions from the academic supervisor for a better and more focused study plan while the academic supervisor can monitor study progress.
Procedure for Academic Guidance
- Academic supervisor’s distribution is conducted by the Head/Secretary of the Study Program in coordination with the Head/Secretary of the Department.
- Students contact the academic supervisor for consultation.
- The academic supervisor discovers the student’s data through Simaster or asks directly to the academic and student affairs office.
- The academic supervisor conducts coaching, mentoring or provides direction and advice in achieving academic and non-academic success at FEB UGM.
- Students make action plans based on the academic supervisor’s guidance.
- Academic consultation and guidance are listed in Simaster on the academic supervisor guidance menu in Simaster.
- The academic supervisor) creates notes for supervised students at Simaster.
- The academic supervisor) monitors the student’s progress.
- Students are strongly advised to complete their thesis in one semester. Failure to complete a thesis in one semester will impact the maximum grade given to students.
The Rights and Obligations of a Student in Obtaining Academic Guidance
- Obtaining guidance with a coaching system for academic success and developing creativity based on student competencies.
- Get a consultation session at least once a month.
- Students must meet and consult at least three times in one semester. Students can carry out academic guidance for one semester with the scheme of; a one-time academic guidance close to the filling out of the course selection period. It is mandatory to monitor the progress of the study. Students are encouraged to meet with academic supervisors twice in one semester to monitor their learning outcomes.
- Carry out the plans and actions approved by the academic supervisor.
- Students are required to write down their targets during the academic guidance process and coaching.
- Reporting the set targets progress.