Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada University will hold Workshop Road to AACSB with the topic “Meeting the Global Challenges.”
The workshop will be held on :
- Day , Date : Thursday, February 13, 2014 and Thursday, February 27, 2014
- Time :
- Venue : Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
Material and Speaker :
Thursday, February 13, 2014
- Double Degree Program, Gregorio Wirayodha Gunawan ( Owner of Artemy Italian Gelato Yogya )
- Summer Course Program, Malina Subastian ( Summer Course Program to Bremen , Germany )
- Exchange Program, Dyah Savitri Pritadrajati ( Exchange Program to Japan , Dubai , Europe )
- Competition, Ivan Samuel Heydemans ( Finalist competition IIBD Hong Kong , Head of Buying at Ops )
- Academics Writing Skills, Eddy Junarsin , S.E. , M.B.A. , Ph.D. ( Lecturer of FEB UGM )
- Scholarships, Office of International Affairs FEB UGM
Thursday, February 27, 2014
- Internship, Jodjana Djodi ( CEO Auto 2000)
- Master Program, Widya Paramita, SE., M.Sc. ( Lecturer Faculty )
- Public Speaking, Lusy Laksita ( Owner of Lusy Laksita Broadcasting School and Partnership in Comm )
- Scholarship, Office of International Affairs FEB UGM
For further information can contact : Aldo 085643750099.