The Indonesian Finance Association (IFA) is a non-profit organization established to cultivate a strong network among academics, businesses, regulators, and financial experts in Indonesia, especially in the realms of corporate finance, capital markets, international finance, and financial institutions.
In the 2016, IFA will held the 2nd International Conference with the theme “Inspiring the Financial World from Indonesia.” The conference will be held on:
- Day, date: Wednesday-Friday, August 10-11, 2016
- Venue: Master of Management Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Economics and Business (MM FEB UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Ghon Rhee (University of Hawaii, President of Asian Finance Association, Editor of Pacific-Basin Finance Journal)
- Prof. Dr. Rezaul Kabir (University of Twente)
- Prof. Jian-Xin Wang (UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney)
Plenary Presentation:
- Religion and Financial Innovativeness
- Policy-Making in Indonesian Financial Industry
Honorary Speeches
- Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro (Former Minister of Finance)*
- Mr. Agus Martowardoyo (Governor of the Bank of Indonesia)*
- Dr. Muliaman Hadad (Chair of the Indonesia Financial Services Authority)*
- Dr. Halim Alamsyah (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation)*
- Dr. Tito Sulistyo (Indonesia Stock Exchange)*
*) under confirmation
Registration Fee:
- International Non-Presenter: USD100
- Indonesian Banker: Rp1.500.000
- Indonesian Non-Presenter: Rp1.000.000
- Non-Presenting Student: Rp400.000
Payable to:
- Bank Mandiri Account no: 137-00-0013311-2 account name INDONESIA FINANCE ASSOCIATION
- Bank BNI Account no: 455840816 account name ASSOSIASI FINANSIAL INDONESIA
* Students of host and co-host universities can register for free (limited seats, first come first served)
Students of host and co-host universities can register for free (limited seats, first come first served). For registration, please contact: Andini (HP: 082112142033) Format (Register_Full Name) or by e-mail to: with subject Register for IFA 2016 by informing on your complete name and institution. Deadline registration 8 August 2016.
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