Education Program Accountant, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) together with the Indonesian Institution of Accountant (IAI) Chapter Yogyakarta will be held a workshop Teaching of Practical Accounting and Accounting Competency Test.
The workshop will be held on:
- Day, date: Monday-Friday, 7-9 September 2016
- Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
- Prof. Dr. Tri Widodo, M. Ec. Dev. (Professor, Chair of The Master’s Degree Studies of Development Economics Program FEB UGM)
- Langgeng Subur, M.B.A., Ak., CA. (Head of The Coaching Profession For Finance, Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia)
- Kartini Windarti, S.E., Ak. (Entrepreneur and Business Practitioners)
- Drs. Sumaryono, M.Si. (Psychology Lecturer of UGM and Educational Psychology Consultation Practitioners)
Participants: Accounting lecturers, Accounting laboratory instructors at the college, practitioners, and public participant.
Workshops fee: Rp1.500.000* (25% discount if enrollment until August 12, 2016 or applicants three (3) or more persons from the same educational institution). These fee can be transferred to:
Virtal Account BNI 9888802104110003
Registration date: 8-26 August 2016, through this address:
Facilities and benefits: modules and textbook, certificate, report the results of accounting competence, lunch and coffee break, seminars kit, and 20 SKP from IAI.
For further information can contact:
Secretariat Office of Education Program Accountant FEB UGM,
Jln Socio Humanities No: 01.
Tel 0274 548506, 548507. HP 081227130405 (Uttari) or 082226544966 (Nanik).