Alumni of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (KAFEGAMA) Batch 1990 will present a Session Sharing for FEB students with take theme “No Pain No Gain”.
- Day: Saturday
- Date: February 11, 2017
- Time: 9am – 12pm
- Venue: Room T.101
- Speaker:
- Handoyo Prasetyo, S.E. (Perencana dan Konsultan Keuangan)
- Tjahjono Soebroto, S.E., M.B.A. (Director, Correspondent Bank Sales, Standard Chartered Bank)
- Th. Agung M. Harsiwi, S.E., M.Si. (Dosen & Peneliti Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta)
- Ike Nerfita Primasari, S.E., M.M. (Human Resource, General Services, Risk Management Director, PT Bank MNC International Indonesia)
- Ernawan Dwi Hanartyo, S.E., Akt., M.B.A. (Finance and Treasury Director, PT Aldira Group)
- Djohan Pinarwan (Ketua Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK), IAI)
- Agustan (Direktur Umum, PDAM Solo)
- Tri Widodo, Prof., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D. (Ketua Program Studi Magister Ekonomika Pembangunan (MEP) UGM)
- I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra, S.E., M.M. (Managing Human Capital, Risk Management, WIKA System Management, Developing Information Technology (IT) and Supply Chain Management, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero). Tbk.)
- Participants: FEB UGM Students (Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral)
- Registration: Fill in the online form below.
Participants are free of charge, provided snacks, and will be awarded a certificate.