Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with Indonesian Chartered Accountant (IAI) Chapter D.I. Yogyakarta will conduct a Seminar with the topic “Strategies and Implementation of Economic-Accounting Subjects in the New Normal Era: Study from home”, (Indonesian, Strategi dan Implementasi Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi-Akuntansi di Era Kenormalan Baru: Belajar dari rumah).
This seminar will be held on:
- Date: Thursday
- Date: July 23, 2020
- Time: 09:00 AM to 11:30 AM
- Media: Zoom Meetings, will be live broadcast at
- Dr. Suryo Pratolo (Vice Rector for Finance and Asset of UMY), title: Belajar Akuntansi di Era Disruptive New Normal
- Sony Warsono, Ph.D. (Chairman of Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM), title: Strategi dan Implementasi Pengajaran Daring Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi SMA/MA: Study from Home
- Endra Murti Sagoro, M.Sc. (Lecturer at Faculty of Economics UNY)
- Participant: High schools teacher with the subject Economy-Accounting
- Register through the online registration form provided, click here
- Zoom Meeting ID and Password will be send to participant one day before the event
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries can contact: or