The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in collaboration with ANU Indonesia Project will conduct an annual public policy forum series titled the Mubyarto Public Policy Forum with the theme “Is ignorance bliss? An experimental approach to estimating unregulated corruption”.
Indonesian Economist Association (PP ISEI) in collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), KAFEGAMA, and ILUNI FEB UI will conduct an Internasional Lecture Series 2022.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with KINOBI will conduct a Career Talk with the topic “Accelerating Your Career by Professional CV and Social Media”.
This event will be held on:
The Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held a Visiting Professor program by inviting one of the senior professor from the University of Essex, UK, namely Professor Shahzad Uddin.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Seminar with the topic “Financial Planning for Property Investment” (Indonesian, Perencanaan Keuangan untuk Investasi Properti) and KPR EXPO FEB UGM.
The seminar will be held on:
Public Lecture: How The Government Achieve More with Less Through Innovation: Kartu Prakerja Program
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM and Vocational School UGM in collaboration with Kartu Prakerja will conduct Public Lecture Upgrade Soft Skill with the topic “How The Government Achieve More with Less Through Innovation: Kartu Prakerja Program”.
Public lecture will be held on:
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Publication Workshop with the topic “How to Handle Journal Review Process?”.
This event will be held on:
Center for Educational Accounting Studies (PKAP) Accounting Laboratory, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a National Seminar with the theme “Bachelor of Accountancy and Prevention of Corruption”, (Indonesian, Sarjana Akuntansi dan Pencegahan Tindak Korupsi).
The seminar will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: October 29, 2022
- Time: 08:00 AM to 15:30 PM, Western Indonesian Time
- Place: Learning Center Auditorium 8th floor FEB UGM
- Session 1: Accounting Talkshow and Prevention of Corruption
- Arika Artiningsih, S.E., M.Acc., M.Com., M.Res., Ph.D.
- Rijadh Djatu Winardi, S.E., M.S.c., Ph.D., CFE.
- Wuri Handayani, S.E., Ak., M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.
- Session 2: Socialization of the Accounting Study Program FEB UGM
- Aviandi Okta Maulana, S.E., M.Acc., Ak., CA., Ph.D.
- Putri Paramita Agritansia, S.E., M.Acc.
- Cita Amalia Husna (Undergraduate Accounting Student, UGM Mapres 2022)
- Arief Surya Irawan, S.E.., M.Com., Ak., CA.
- Participants: High school/vocational/equivalent students
- Fill out the registration form provided, click here
- Participants can choose offline or online
- For online participants, they can directly join via Zoom Meeting with Meeting ID: 94935152631 and Passcode: 012501
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries regarding this event, please contact the contact persons: Nila 08812131452 and Nadya 085895985041 or through IG accounts @accountingugm and @lab.aktugm
The Djalaludin Pane Waqf Foundation in collaboration with the Center for Accounting and Regulatory Studies (PAKAR) of the Accounting Laboratory, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a National Seminar with the theme “Philanthropy and Empowerment through Islamic Social Finance”.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Tuesday
- Date: 27 September 2022
- Time: 08.00 AM to 11.30 AM, Western Indonesian Time
- Venue: Auditoium Learning Center 8th floor, FEB UGM
- KH.