Alumni Family Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (KAFEGAMA) in collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will organize Halal bi Halal with the Alumni FEB UGM.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: July 22, 2017
- Time: starts at 08:00 am to finish
- Venue: Kebon Sirih Building, Chandra Room 6th floor.
Unit Publication Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will held the 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) 2017, with the theme “Sustainable Development: Challenge and Opportunity in Developing Countries”.
The conference will be held on:
- Day: Thursday-Friday
- Date: September 14-15, 2017
- Venue: BRI Auditorium, Master of Science and Doctorate (MD) Building, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
Joint Plenary Discussion Presenters:
- A.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with KAFEGAMA will conduct Ramadhan Iftar.
This event will be held on:
Australian National University (ANU) Indonesian Project together with Universitas Gadjah Mada – Faculty of Economics and Business will conduct The Inaugural Mubyarto Public Policy Forum with Professor Budiono.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Wednesday
- Date: May 10, 2017
- Time: 8 AM to 12 PM
- Venue: Kertanegara Room, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Yogyakarta
- 1st Session
- Prof.
The Gadjah Mada Accounting Student Association (IMAGAMA) organizes the annual Gadjah Mada Accounting Days (GMAD 2017), one of the main agenda is conduct a National Seminar with the topic “Quality Reform of Public Sector Audit Practices for the Realization of Social Welfare,” (Indonesian: Reformasi Kualitas Praktik Audit Sektor Publik demi Terwujudnya Kesejateraan Sosial).
The national seminar will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: May 6, 2017
- Time: 7.30am to 2pm
- Venue: Grand Tjokro Hotel, Jln Afandi No:37 Yogyakarta
- Sri Wahyuningsih* (Inspectorate General of Ministry of Internal Affairs)
- M.
Master of Science and Doctorate Study Program of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with The British Council will conduct a Public Lecture on “Fostering Social Innovation And Social Enterprise In Students In Higher Education.”
Public lecture will be held on:
- Day: Friday
- Date: April 28, 2017
- Time: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
- Venue: BRI Auditorium, MD FEB UGM
- Carole Donnelly (Coventry University Social Enterprise)
- Professor Richard Tomlins (Coventry University Social Enterprise)
- Veronica Colondam (CEO Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa)
- Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D.
- Participant: Student, Lecture, Researcher, and Public participant
- Registration: Fill online form at
Download: Poster (PDF)
For further information can contact: Admission Office MD FEB UGM, phone 0274 580726, email, mobile 08175464545 or 082242866665
Research and Training in Economics and Business (P2EB) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a training on Micro Base Data Analysis with STATA Program
The training will be held on
- Date: May 8-10, 2017 (3 days)
- Time: 8pm s.d.
Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA 87) in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will organize an event Sharing Session: KAFEGAMA 87 Back to Campus.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: 8 April 2017
- Time: 9-11am
- Venue: Audio Visual Room, FEB UGM
Speakers (divided into four topics):
- Topic: Want to be a CEO in the State Owned Corporation?
- Anang Basuki, SE., Akt., CIA.
Research Center of Capital Market, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will conduct National Seminar on the topic “Careers in Capital Markets”.
The National Seminar will be held on:
Master of Science and Doctorate Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Muhamadiyah Surakarta (FEB UMS) will held a Seminar on the topic “Improving Publication Journal for Higher Education”.
Seminar will be held on:
- Day: Monday
- Date: April 3, 2017
- Time: 8am to 3:30pm
- Venue: Seminar Room, G Building, FEB UMS