Growth and development of an area proved to be faster achieved by the existence of the local leader. Is R. Haryo Ambarsuwardi, S.H., M. Si, a Camat that has managed to bring his territory, Ponjong, became more advanced. Ponjong, one of the districts that is
often called the soil-stone, has now grown into a more “lively” one, not lagging anymore. In FEB’s monthly seminar “Membangun Ekonomi Menuju Desa Mandiri” (2/07/13) ago, Ambar laid out how the district can move better.
Programs carried by Ambar has been becoming the main-wheel drive in that district. He is reviving the entrepreneurial society by referring to village’s products. One of them is Crezink or Crezek Zinkong. “Crezink” is krecek which made from the bark and it is capped by five different flavors. “I want the children to be familiar with local food, hence the name, packaging, and taste were made to fit their tastes,” he adds. In addition, the mangosteen rind juice that is believed has a range of benefits becomes one of their products. There is also Ponjong Rice which is known as Badingah Rice because it is consumed by Hj. Badingah, S.Sos, the Regent of Gunung Kidul.
Besides continuing to increase village products, in 2004, Ambar was designing and making new restaurant to be a short way for selling fish that is hardly sold in Ponjong. Originally, many people doubted his thought. However, he did not tremble. Now, there have been 16 restaurants. High demand make their supply must be covered with buying fishes from other regions.
Ambar is also concerned with the environment. He is still active to externalize the establishment of green school. “In the future, one school is obliged to make 10 bio-pore,” he explained. Understanding very well that Gunung Kidul is an area that has difficulty to access water, Ambar and some companies through their CSR program have successfully reduced the problem. Now 200 families are able to enjoy clean water easily. The program for maintaining habitat in nature like Cangkra Cave and Song Kilap Cave has been applied. Ambar wants to make them as appropriate tourist destinations.
Other programs such as Market village, Anti Drug task force and the latest Dusun Bebas Bank Plecit are expected to run well and bring significant impact for the community. Ambar hopes that there will spring many local leaders who are honest and close to the people. He said those are the major keys to bring Ponjong in success.
Source: Nadia/FEB