The Alumni Association of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (Indonesian acronym: KAFEGAMA) succeeded to held Jogja Entrepreneurs and Financial Technology Expo (JEFE) 2018. This event consisted of seminar, business presentation, workshop, and exhibition. JEFE 2018 presented several keynote speakers in the economic sector, including Dr. Ir. Leonard VH. Tampubolon, MA (Deputy Head of Ministry of National Development Planning), Sugeng (Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia), and Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih (Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM). This event was held on Saturday (10/2) at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM.
During the seminar, Sugeng highlighted the current growth of financial technology industry in Indonesia. Sugeng said the financial technology industry grows rapidly. This phenomenon encourages Bank Indonesia to make regulation and new innovation as soon as possible in order to respond to it.
Meanwhile, Sri Adiningsih discussed the current development of Indonesian economy. According to Sri Adiningsih, Indonesia experiences a good economic development. Therefore, we do not have to worry to enter the 2018-2019 political period.
“Our economy is quite stable where it can be seen from the inflation value, stable exchange rate, and the good Indonesian export investment,” said Sri Adiningsih.
Sri Adiningsih further said the development of appropriate infrastructures in many regions in Indonesia also contributes in encouraging the economic growth. Currently, the development of Indonesian infrastructures and economy has reached various regions aside from Java Island. Therefore, it grows the trust of economic players to do an investment in other regions outside Java Island.
Source: Catur/UGM