PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk. (JSI) in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held the Sapta Akasa Logo Design Competition.
Sapta Akasa is part of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM Learning Center building located on the 7th floor, the result of collaboration from FEB UGM and PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional, Tbk. Sapta Akasa is a combination of 2 words taken from Sanskrit. Sapta means seven which represents the seventh floor. Akasa means heaven which also means free or open space that represents freedom of ideas, freedom of ideas and freedom to collaborate.
Requirements and procedures:
- UGM Active Students
- Competition material can be downloaded though this link
Deadline for submission of design works on 7 September 2018
Download: Poster (JPG)
Announcement of winners will be announced at the 63rd FEB UGM Anniversary.