Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an Art Night and Tumpengan on the 1st floor of Learning Center (LC) Building on Monday (17/9). This event was one of the 63rd FEB UGM’s Dies Natalis arrangement which were attended by entire community of FEB UGM, including lecturers, employees, and students.
The event was opened by having dinner together at 19.00 WIB. In realizing the local wisdom as its theme, this event served typical foods in Jogja such as the angkringan, Javanese noodles, and the fried rice. The intimacy on that night was also enlivened up by gendhing Jawa music that was played by Karawitan group “Sekar Laras”.
After the dinner agenda, the event continued with a speech delivery from the Chairperson of the 63rd FEB UGM’s Dies Natalis Committee, Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D. In his speech, Rimawan delivered a message to the entire community of FEB UGM to keep progressing without forgetting local wisdom for a better FEB. This is the reason that the evening’s theme is local wisdom. After that, the event continued with “Sekar Laras” Karawitan’s performance of a “Kuwi Opo Kuwi” gendhing. This “Kuwi Opo Kuwi” gendhing has a meaning about the hope of society who miss the leaders who are honest, have integrity, and do not commit corruption, which is also the hope of the academic community of FEB UGM.
Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D, as the Dean of FEB UGM, also gave a speech on the event, he said that synergy of the entire community of FEB UGM is needed in order to be a better faculty and be in accordance with the theme of the 63rd Dies Natalis, namely “Synergy to Improve Quality of Higher Education”. Afterward, it was continued with the session of slicing tumpeng by the dean along with three vice deans. The Tumpeng was symbolically given to representatives of the academic community of FEB UGM. The happiness at that night was also felt by Prof. Dr. Suwardjono, M.Sc., Ak., CA as the lecturer of FEB UGM, who was having a birthday and also got a tumpeng symbolically.
After the Tumpengan session, there was a singing performance of gendhing by colleagues and dean of FEB UGM, entitled “Amazing FEB”. Then, the winner of competitions was announced, which was also the series of 63rd FEB UGM Dies Natalis. Dharma Wanita also enlivened the night by singing the song “Kopi Dangdut”. FEB UGM’s community enjoyed the event by singing along to it. Moreover, there was also the performance of Economic Session Band (ESB), a student band of FEB UGM, on that night. Finally, the event was closed with the performance of EBikustik, a music group of FEB UGM’s staffs.
Source: Try Luthfi Nugroho