The Silaturahim Forum on Islamic Economic Studies (FoSSEI) is a national forum that accommodates the members of Islamic Economic Study Groups (KSEI) throughout Indonesia to share the knowledge about the Islamic economy. Currently, there are 184 KSEI from various universities in Indonesia which consists of around 17 thousand students.
In managing the organization, FoSSEI is led by five national presidiums which are set at FoSSEI National Conference annually. Faculty of Economics and Business UGM has become one of the pioneers of FoSSEI’s establishment in mid-2000 through representatives of students who are members of the UGM Shariah Economics Forum (SEF) organization.
On this 2018 National Conference (Munas), a student from FEB UGM was again selected as the National Presidium of FoSSEI. Gilang Fatihan, (Accounting 2015), who is also the chairman of the SEF UGM 2017, was elected as the National Presidium after being nominated as a representative from the Yogyakarta region. Previously, there were also several FEB UGM students who received the same position, namely IBP Angga Antagia (2007-2008), Aditya Rangga Yogatama (2008-2010) and Ahmad Zaki (2010-2012).
The 16th FoSSEI National Conference was held at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) on 12-16 September 2018. The main agenda at the National Conference were national seminars and trials. Overall, there were 157 delegates from 75 universities which participated in enlivening the annual agenda.
At the peak of the event, five National Presidiums of FoSSEI Period 2018-2019 were chosen, namely Gilang Fatihan (UGM), Irsyad Al Ghifari (IPB), M. Haqqi Hudan (Unibraw), Prayudi Ibrahim (Unri), and Halwani (STEI SEBI). The five National Presidiums agreed to carry the #BerbenahBersama tagline until the National Conference mandate in the next year.
Source: Gilang Fatihan