In commemoration of the 24th Anniversary of Master in Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MEP FEB UGM) held a ceremony in the main hall of the MEP FEB UGM building on June 25. Inviting all MEP FEB UGM academics and guests, the event began with remarks from the Chair of the MEP FEB UGM Study Program, Dr. Dumairy, M.A.,
Dumairy gave great appreciation to the management of MEP FEB UGM for its contribution in raising MEP FEB UGM. “Thank you and appreciation for the managers of previous MEPs who have played a role and raised it so that MEP exists until now,” said Dumairy. Also, Dumairy also invited fellow education staff and students to continue to make improvements in line with the achievement of MEP FEB UGM’s vision and mission.
The event continued with remarks from the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Eko agrees that there is a ‘tasyakuran’ as well as a place of introspection. “We should be grateful to the initiators of MEP FEB UGM, from one manager to the next manager, the lecturers who took an active role in raising MEP, also thanked the educational staff who from the beginning oversaw MEP FEB UGM,” he said.
According to him, FEB as part of UGM is very proud of the MEP FEB UGM Study Program because it implements the FEB UGM slogan, which is “locally rooted”. Eko emphasized that MEP has become part of the development of human resources that are spread throughout Indonesia. This is because the MEP can give birth to the seeds of the nation’s leaders from every region from Sabang to Merauke. Students are forged to be able to apply their knowledge, both from the concentration of regional development, regional finance, and assessment. “Now is must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than now,” he ordered as closing remarks.
A piece of MEP FEB UGM’s history was delivered by one of the founders of MEP, Dr. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec. who presented the travel milestone of MEP FEB UGM from its inception to the present. The establishment of MEP FEB UGM was initiated from the Regional Finance course at the University of Birmingham which continued to hold regional finance courses at FEB UGM. In its journey, MEP FEB UGM’s work was inseparable from the managers who in turn played a role in building MEP. This is what causes MEP FEB UGM to continue to innovate and adapt to answer the needs of professionals in the economic field. Even cooperation with state and private institutions is going well. This is evidenced by the spread of alumni as many as 4,519 people in various regions and has occupied various important positions in the government. Thus, MEP FEB UGM is required to continue to improve and develop to adjust the needs of the times. As the closing ceremony, cutting the cone and eating lunch also complimented the moment of fun that afternoon.
Source: Sony Budiarso/Leila Chanifah Z