Thursday (8/8/2019) Accounting Department of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held “Sidek Desaku” Socialization activity. Located in the 1st floor Audiovisual room and the 5th floor Computer Laboratory of FEB UGM Learning Center Building, this socialization aims to introduce public about innovations that help Village Government to manage and account for village finances. This activity is a manifestation of the social concern of higher education institutions to be actively involved in increasing accountability of the government in Indonesia, especially the village government.
Amirullah Setya Hardi, Cand.Oecon., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM) said that accountability to the government was an important matter in governance so that the development of a debit credit accounting information system named Sidek Desaku is expected to be useful for village financial accountability.
Then Choirunnisa Arifa, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the head of the Accounting Laboratory. Choirunnisa Arifa, M.Sc., Ph.D. tells how the history of development of Sidek in 2017 that began for UMKM and expanded because it saw the village government needs a system, and finally it also developed for the village called Sidek Desaku.
“The Sidek Desaku Development Team continues to proceed by holding a public hearing, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and getting a lot of suggestion from the Sardonoharjo Village who was a pilot project partner until it finally became the Sidek Desaku as it is now” said Choirunnisa.
On the same occasion, the Secretary of the village of Sardonoharjo, Achmad Budi Setiawan, S.IP. who gave testimony and stated that this application helped village finance, did not come out of village government regulations and instead complemented and even facilitated village financial management. Achmad also thanked for the opportunity to join as a pilot project partner.
The first session of Sidek Desaku sosialization, Tunggoro Widiandaru, SE., MH., CA., ACPA., CLI., Ak. as the Sidek Desaku development team explained the explanation about data flow and features provided by Sidek Desaku. In the second session, all participants were given examples of cases and were invited to use Sidek Desaku to simulate how to submit APBDes, RAK, RKK, RAB, SPP, SPJ and so on. Finally, a discussion session was opened and participants were invited to provide feedback both verbally and as outlined in filling out the questionnaire as an evaluation material for the future development team. Alhalik, S.Sos., M.T. as the Head of Village Administration, Finance and Assets of Sleman Districts said that if Sidek Desaku was easier and more acceptable, the Empowerment and Village Community (PMD) Office of Sleman Districts would be ready for adoption. As a follow up, the next event will be roadshows to several region in Yogyakarta.
Source: Farinza Tiara / Sony Budiarso / Leila Chanifah Zuhri