It has become a tradition for the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) to hold activities in order to welcome the inaugural lecture in the new semester, one of which is public lecture activities.
On Monday (10/2), a public lecture titled “Roles and Responsibilities of Public Accountants in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0” was held at the 8th Floor Learning Center Building. This event was attended by students of the Accountant Professional Education Program (PPA) and undergraduate students of FEB UGM and also attracts Riadi Sugihtani, Tagor Sidik Sigiro from the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) Grant Thornton and Tarkosunaryo from the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IICPA) as speakers.
This public lecture responded to the increasingly massive development of information technology, one of which, is the Internet of Things. Technological progress certainly brings many benefits, but it is also accompanied by risks. One of them is related to human resources where technology or machines are now able to replace the role of humans. Many professions will be affected, one of which is the auditor. However, the accounting profession will still have good prospects and still needed because professional judgment cannot be replaced by machines. This was stated by Mr. Tarkosunaryo and Mr. Tagor Sidik Sigoro.
In the public lecture, at the same time a memorandum of understanding was signed between FEB UGM and KAP Grant Thornton in the fields of education, apprenticeship and staff recruitment.
“FEB UGM welcomes this collaboration and MOU as proof that KAP Grant Thornton has a high commitment, together with FEB UGM in producing competent and professional public accountants,” said Eko Suwardi as the Dean of FEB UGM.
Source: Leila Chanifah Z & Sony Budiarso