It has been a year since the Covid-19 Virus outbreak has been going on in Indonesia. Slowly the Covid-19 pandemic is changing the way we do activities and demands that we adapt to these changes. One year ago, we could still feel sitting in the seminar room and listening to the speakers deliver the material directly. However, this habit changed when the Covid-19 pandemic occurs, we must adapt again to new adjustments, namely organizing Online Seminars.
Therefore, on Friday (19/03), the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) through the Student Wellness and Personal Development Center (SWPDC) unit held a Master of Ceremony (MC) Training for Online Seminar (New Adaptation). The training was held to answer the Faculty’s response to the evaluation of online activities carried out by student organizations in the FEB UGM environment. Attended by approximately 55 participants consisting of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students, as well as FEB UGM educational staff, the training was held through the zoom meeting platform. The resource person in this training was Saka Kotamara, from the UGM Public Relations and Protocol Office.
In his speech, Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, FEB UGM, conveyed the importance of the role of MC in an event. “MC acts as the face of the faculty, whether an activity is smooth or not really depends on the MC in guiding the event,” said Prof. Mahfud Sholihin.
Prof. Mahfud also said that in this pandemic, MC Online is very vital, and for students various things need to be considered.
“The order of greetings, remarks, and titles must be considered by the MC. With this training, We hope that the students and fellow students can be even better at holding an activity, “concluded Prof. Mahfud in his speech.
Entering the training session, Saka Kotamara explained the material about the fundamentals of being MC Online for approximately One hour, which included discussing things that need to be considered when becoming MC or host.
According to him, MC needs to understand about the online seminar material that will be delivered. Then the MC must know for sure about the event being held, starting from the schedule of the event, who should appear or speak at a certain time, also the name and titles of important invited guests, as well as the sponsor of the event (if any).
After the presentation session, it was followed by real experience, namely direct MC practice by the training participants. This is so that participants can implement the material that has been presented. In this activity, Saka also provided feedback for the participants, namely that there were constructive criticism opinion from Saka for the training participants.
Reportage: Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy