Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held the Handover of the Dean Position of FEB UGM (Fri, 08/10). Located in the Kertanegara Room, this event was held both online and offline. Present at the event were Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. (Dean for the 2016-2021 Period) along with his wife, and Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., C.A (Dean for the 2021-2026 Period) and his wife, Chair of the Senate of FEB UGM, Representatives of Departmental Management, Representatives of Education Personnel, and the Academic Community of FEB UGM.
In his remarks, Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. expressed his gratitude for the collaboration that has existed for the last five years and hopes for FEB UGM in the future.
“I personally and the deans, would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Senate, Educational Staff, lecturers, alumni, partners who have been willing to give us the opportunity to serve FEB UGM for the last five years,” said Eko Suwardi.
He advised to always improve and adapt all aspects to the current and future situations because during this pandemic, conditions change rapidly.
“Please Mr. Dean to do extraordinary things for our faculty in the future under the existing conditions to ensure the quality of FEB UGM learning”, he said.
Eko Suwardi hopes that with the leadership of the Dean, Prof. Didi, in the future FEB UGM will be more victorious, progress rapidly in the national and international arena, remain locally rooted, and continue to produce future leaders with integrity.
Furthermore, Prof. Didi Achjari delivered his inauguration speech as Dean of FEB UGM. Prof. Didi thanked the Dean of FEB UGM 2016-2021.
“We express our deepest gratitude for the dedication of Mr. Eko and his staff and we ask for close collaboration from the entire community, alumni, partners, and stakeholders for the development of FEB UGM,” said Prof. Didi.
Prof. Didi said that there are big challenges and tasks ahead to further develop FEB UGM into a leading university in the world. Especially in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic, according to Prof. Didi, it takes extra effort and must continue to improve quality.
“It’s not easy in conditions like this, we ask for help from the academic community, alumni, partners, and stakeholders. Thank you, hopefully together we will achieve the stated goals,” concluded Prof. Didi.
Present online, the Chair of the Senate FEB UGM, Prof. Ainun Na’im expressed his gratitude to Eko Suwardi, Ph.D., and congratulations to Prof. Didi for being inaugurated as Dean of FEB UGM 2021-2026
“To Dr. Eko Suwardi, on behalf of the Senate of FEB UGM, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for his dedication in leading FEB UGM from 2016-2021, and to Mr. Didi, congratulations on your work, and of course the Senate of FEB UGM is ready to work together, be partner, to jointly develop FEB UGM”. said Prof. Ainun.
The handover ceremony for the Dean of FEB UGM ended with a handshake and a group photo session between the Dean of FEB UGM 2016-2021 and the dean of FEB UGM 2021-2026.
This morning, the Dean Inauguration procession at Universitas Gadjah Mada was held as well. The inauguration was carried out directly by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU ASEAN Eng., at the UGM Senate Hall. On that occasion, Prof. Panut Mulyono expressed his gratitude to all the old deans who have been fully dedicated so far in advancing UGM. In addition, Prof. Panut Mulyono congratulated all the new deans and hoped to continue collaborating for the progress of UGM.
Congratulations to Prof. Didi Achjari, may you bring FEB UGM to goodness, and thank you for the dedication of Dr. Eko Suwardi in developing FEB UGM. Go ahead FEB UGM!
Reportage : Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy